Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 5

Oh goodness guys! I had a long weekend and haven't gotten around to writing this week! How did everyone do? I was frustrated as hell all week. I felt like I was trying extra hard and not seeing and change on the scale. Twas bumming me out big time. So this weekend I went out and drank beers and even ate french fries. That weigh-in Sunday was one I was dreading.: lost 4lbs! Whaaa?? So I believe the moral of the story is: drink lots of booze. THAT, or even when discouraged, keep up with it and you WILL see results. YEAH!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, yeah. I never actually take the hangover day weight seriously because I know it's dehydration. But it's Tuesday and I haven't gained any back, so, COOL!
